Thursday, June 28, 2012

Farm Visits and Market Show Signs of Summer

Farm Visit Updates
This week market manager Kaely Summers and I visited Crawford's Nursery, one of the produce vendors at the farmers market.  Their specialties are berries and fruits: blueberries, tayberries, cherries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants, and mulberries are all finally here.  Quince, pears, apples, apricots, and a variety of other produce are also on their way later in the season.  In addition to selling at farmers markets, Crawford's has U-Pick plots and a farms stand in Cornelius.

Berries headed to market

Early raspberries are finally here

Scapes on hardneck garlic

Bees to pollinate all of the fruits

Baby quince

Touring the farm

Market Updates
The Forest Grove Farmers Market is busy with the start of summer produce, our Market Sprouts kid's club, and the start of the WIC Fruit and Veggie Vouchers and Farm Direct Checks.  It's great to see new visitors to the market of all ages and backgrounds.  Next week we take a break from market because it falls on the 4th of July.

Here's the Crawford's stand, full of cherries

Touching up our market truck

We have had some very lucky weather at the market this season

Erika and Roda passing out tokens for SNAP, WIC, Debit, and Credit

Market Spouts summer kids club activities

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are just lucious! What a healthy, wholesome, helpful way to spend a summer!
    So glad to get these updates.
    All the best,
