Sunday, November 17, 2013

Selected photos from the season, in chronological order

If you've been reading my blog you've seen many of these photos, but it's nice to see them all in chronological order to get a feel for what the season looked like.

Until next time,

Friday, November 15, 2013

Rogue Farm Corps is growing

Hello friends, 

Today I will post my final entries about my internship with Rogue Farm Corps!  You’ll get some updates on Rogue Farm Corps, my future plans, and some extra photos.

Rogue Farm Corps updates:

RFC throughout Oregon: RFC recently received grant funding to expand its programming to other parts of Oregon.  This coming season will be the first year for the Southern Willamette Farm Corps.  The Southern Willamette Valley (which includes the towns of Eugene and Springfield) is host to many sustainable farms and ranches, as well as many individuals interested in trying their hands at farming!  RFC also plans to expand its trainings to other parts of Oregon (Northern Willamette Valley and Central Oregon) in following seasons.

Continued training: Next year RFC will also be launching its FarmsNOW internship.  (I completed the FarmsNext program, which a season-long immersion for people with little agricultural experience.)  FarmsNOW will be a two-year commitment for people with at least two years of farm experience.  It will focus on building the planning, business, and management skills needed for running a diversified vegetable operation.

Interested in the program?  Applications are now available for the 2014 season.  You can read more about the programs on RFC’s website and get other updates on their facebook page.

Personal reflections:

The value of an immersive internship: I went into the internship thinking I may want to be a farmer.  I learned pretty quickly that I don’t want to be a commercial farmer, at least in the traditional sense.  However, it’s not like I’ve left the farm and will never use the knowledge I gained.  As cliché as it sounds, I really did learn a lot this summer.  One of the benefits of a program like RFC is that it is truly an immersive experience, exposing the intern to all aspects of work and life on a farm.  

Back in Portland: Even though I am back at home, I am using what I learned during my RFC experience every day.  I am even pickier about which farms I buy my food from at the farmers market.  I like seeking out the smaller farms that may not come to the larger markets in the city.  I’m thinking about what plants I want to grow in the garden next year that will fit the Portland climate, can be easily managed, and that taste good.  I try to give our backyard chickens happy lives so they can make good eggs.  Lastly, I am trying to be an advocate for sustainable farmers and food by following what is going on in the political system and by supporting local non-profits, NGOs, and social enterprises.

What’s next? I have a lot of unknowns for what I’m going to be doing next.  I have the privilege of having many options and opportunities.  When my next adventure begins, I hope to write blog updates.  Thanks as always for stopping by to learn and see what I’ve been doing!